Greetings from Money Manager Team!
The 2.0.0 update is almost complete.
Repetition-related features have been added, and the sub currency feature has been enhanced.
The 2.0.0 update will be commencing at the end of January and we are planning to complete the entire update process latest by the beginning of February.
We will work harder to support the better feature of the following updates.
In 2.0.0 version,
1. The UI of the input screen is improved.
The ” Save ” and ” Continue ” buttons on the top right of the page have moved under the note.
The changed UI helps you more convenient to operate with one hand.
2. Recurring transactions can be reflected at the beginning of the month.
In the 2.0.0 process, the recurring transactions are reflected on that day.
You can select “On the first day of every month” as the date to reflect at Settings tab > Repeat Management.
If you change to “On the first day of every month”, all repeat transactions will be reflected on the first day of each month.
3. You can check the sum of repeat transactions for the month.
The sum of recurring transactions for a month is displayed on the repeat management page.
If the repeat cycle is longer than a month such as 2 months, three months, one year, etc., the transactions will be totaled only if those are included in this month.
4.You can select the decimal point unit of the sub currencies.
You can remove the decimal point or select two decimal places.
5. Payable Balance is divided into two parts.
The Payable Balance is divided into the amount not paid and another to be paid.
For example, if you set up the settlement date as 10th of each calendar months and today is 26th Jan,
Money Manager showed as
Payable Balance: Past – 9th of Jan
Outstanding Balance: 10th of Jan – 9th of Feb
After 2.0.0 version, Money Manager show as
Past Payable Balance: Past – 9th of Dec
Now Payable Balance: 10th of Dec – 9th of Jan.
Outstanding Balance: 10th of Jan – 9th of Feb.
The 2.1.0 version will provide modification/delete at once.
We will do our best to provide you with more improvements.
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Money Manager Team