What's new
- iOS 2.11.X Update (November 2023)
- iOS 2.10.X Update (June 2023)
- iOS 2.9.0.x Update (February 2023)
- After the 2.8.0 version update (February 2022), the phrase "(Bank)" is attached to the account group name of the Debit Card.
- iOS 2.8.0.x Update (January 2022)
- iOS 2.7.x Update (September 2020)
- iOS 2.6.x Update (April 2020)
- iOS 2.5.x Update (October 2019)
- iOS 2.4.x Update (June 2019)
- iOS 2.3.x Update (December 2018)
- iOS 2.2.x Update (October 2018)
- iOS 2.1.x Update (June 2018)
- iOS 2.0.x Update (January 2018)
- iOS 1.9.x Update (June 2017)