1. How to add an income
1) In Trans. tab, tap “+” button to open up the page to record your income, expenses, and transfer data.
2) Select the “Income” button, the input page for registering income consists of:
* Date
* Account
* Category
* Amount
It is mandatory for you to specify the account, category, and the amount.
Recording the name of Seller/Retailer/Store/Recipient is optional.
If you skip it, Money Manager will automatically fill it up for you. Recording the note is optional.
3) If you wish to record transactions continuously, you can tap the 'continue' button instead of 'save'.
2. How to add an expense
1) Income/expense/transfer follows somewhat similar recording methods.
Just like the income registration, tap “Expense” button. Fill in the information just like the income registration.
* Date
* Account
* Category
* Amount
3) If you wish to record transactions continuously, you can tap the 'continue' button instead of 'save'.
* You can fill in the contents if you wish to specify the details of the spending that you have just recorded. Also, uploading pictures like a receipt is possible.
3. Review your records.
Once you save either income or expense, you can review your records in "Trans." tab.
You can also review them right away in the “Accounts” tab.