You can bookmark your most frequently used transaction details.
It is much more convenient to record your spending as you do not have to record the same data each time you make a transaction.
1. Bookmarks can be marked at the editing screen of your transaction. Select the transaction that you often record and go to the editing page.
2. On the 'Trans.' Tab, there is a bookmark button on the top-right corner.
3. You will see the bookmark that you have added. Tap it and it will move to the record page.
4. The date and time are updated.
2. Check/modify Bookmarked content.
You can also easily check and modify the Bookmarked items from the "Bookmark" button on the Trans tab.
3. Deletion/order change of "Bookmark."
1) To delete the bookmark, please go to the bookmark list. Swipe left then you will see the "Delete" option.
2) Or you can press the "pencil" icon to delete or manage the order of the items.